Liberty University Engagement Session | Kasie + Jonathan

Liberty University Engagement

Kasie and Jonathan at their Liberty University Engagement Session

Kasie and Jonathan wanted to have part of their engagement session at Liberty University because the campus is beautiful, and they thought it would be a pretty place for their session! And they were right! But really, Kasie and Jonathan were so kind to have their engagement session at Liberty because it was closer for me to come to driving wise, which was very kind of them as Kasie and Jonathan actually went to Ferrum College in Ferrum, Virginia. We really did enjoy our time at Liberty with all the different background options for photos, and it was the perfect place for a stroll with their two dogs!

How We Met

We originally met Kasie and Jonathan at the Roanoke Bridal Expo in February. We talked with them at the Expo and then a few weeks later, we had a zoom call with them to get to know them even better! After our zoom call, they booked us for their engagement and wedding photography, and we are very excited to photograph their wedding in November this year!

Their Liberty University Engagement

During our time at Liberty University, we enjoyed walking around with Kasie, Jonathan, and their two dogs. I love that this campus has so many beautiful places to take photos! One of my favorite spots to take photos at Liberty is this cute little green garden beside the Demos building. We stopped there to take some photos, and I absolutely love how the golden light shone through the trees in this spot!

engaged couple at Liberty University kissing in a cute garden

engaged couple at Liberty University laughing at each other

We also spent some time on the Montview Student Union Stairs and some time in front of the freedom tower. And lastly, we made sure to take photos with both of their dogs as well! Overall, we had a wonderful time with these two, and we can’t wait for their fall wedding in Roanoke, VA! Enjoy the rest of their Liberty University Engagement Photos!

If you’d like to see the second half of Kasie and Jonathan’s engagement session, you can see it by clicking the link below!

Virginia Engagement Session | Kayla + Bailey

Riveredge Park Engagement | Michelle + Allen

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