Lens Rentals Promo Code – Best Camera Rental Company

Lens Rentals Promo Code

I personally love using Lens Rentals as my company of choice to rent extra camera gear for weddings, events, and sessions; therefore, I wanted you to be able to use my Lens Rentals Promo Code on your first order with Lens Rentals! When you use my code, you will receive $25 OFF your first order, which to me is a pretty great deal!

When you use my code, Lens Rentals gives me a small commission as a thank you for connecting you to their company!

Here’s an image I’ve photographed with a Lens Rentals Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L lens!

engaged couple smiling at camera photographed by Jennifer Cooke on a Lens Rentals Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L lens

If you’re still on the fence about whether or not you want to try out Lens Rentals, here are 6 more in-depth, reasons why you should consider using this company for all your extra camera rental needs!

6 Reasons Why I LOVE Using Lens Rentals

Lens Rentals has been an absolute game-changer for me as a wedding & family photographer. Lens Rentals provides fast delivery, high quality equipment, a great delivery experience, a seamless return process, affordable insurance options, and great promo codes for first time users. I love how trustworthy the company is and its equipment. Overall, Lens Rentals has been a reliable and cost-effective solution for me as a wedding and family photographer! Below, you can see more as to why I love using Lens Rentals for my equipment rental needs.

Here’s another image I’ve photographed with a Lens Rentals Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L lens!

bride on her wedding day smiling photographed by Jennifer Cooke on a Lens Rentals Canon EF 85mm f/1.2L lens

Lens Rentals provides Fast Delivery

Lens Rentals reliably delivers equipment fast, on time, and in good condition. The equipment has never been late. In fact, most of the time it comes a day early, which I absolutely love! They notify you when the equipment has been shipped, and they notify you once the equipment has been delivered. Continue reading to see more about their seamless delivery experience…!

Lens Rentals provides High Quality Equipment

The equipment has always been delivered to me in pristine condition. They ship the equipment in a protective case, and each lens is in a special case as well. It’s never been damaged, and the equipment has always worked great for me on wedding days. I’ve really never had a problem with Lens Rentals which is amazing!

Lens Rentals has Great Insurance Options

I highly recommend that you add the full insurance coverage option when you are renting from Lens Rentals to protect yourself and the equipment. Lens Rentals has both damage insurance and loss/theft insurance in case of such situations arising. It’s super easy to add on during the checkout process. I’ve personally never had a major problem, but I believe it’s always better to protect yourself rather than suddenly owe thousands of dollars to Lens Rentals for damaged or lost equipment.

Lens Rentals provides a Seamless Delivery Experience

Lens Rentals provides a seamless delivery experience. You have the option of shipping the equipment to your place of residence to a local Fed Ex Drop Off location. You can also choose to have it shipped to you via UPS. During checkout, you can choose your preferred shipping method. I have shipped the package both to my home before and to several different Fed Ex locations depending upon where I am in the world when I need the equipment.

Lens Rentals provides a Seamless Return Experience

Lens Rentals provides a seamless return experience because they send you a prepaid, return label inside the equipment rental box. This is great because all you have to do when it’s time to return your order is stick the return label onto the box (they shipped your order in) and drop it off at your local Fed Ex Drop off location or your local UPS drop off location. This depends on which company you shipped through. If you’re not sure, your return label will show you exactly which company to use.

Lens Rentals offers Great Promo Codes for First Time Orders

Lens Rentals is such a great company! It offers a $25 OFF discount for FIRST TIME Lens Rentals USERS! Amazing, right?!!! Here’s the code for you to use below!

If you’d rather watch to see more about Lens Rentals, you can watch the video I made below!

I think it’s really important to have backup equipment with you on wedding days, and that’s why I started using Lens Rentals! I wanted to protect the memories of my clients, and this company helps me to do that, and I know it can help you to do that too. If you’ve never used Lens Rentals before, please use my promo code to help save you some money!

If you have used Lens Rentals before and you love it, please leave a comment and let us know about your experience with Lens Rentals!

If you want to see more about Jennifer Cooke and her Nashville Wedding Photography, click the button below!

Thanks for reading!


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