Smith Park Family Session | Thomas Family

Smith Park Family Session

Smith Park Family Session

Beautiful family at their Smith Park Family Session

Michelle Thomas reached out to me and asked me to photograph her family and her extended family (her parents, her sister’s family, and her grandmother), and I said yes! So, we chose Smith Park for their Family Session. Daniel and I originally met the Thomas Family at New River Fellowship in Franklin, TN, and we have loved developing a relationship with them over the few years we have known them! When Daniel and I first moved to the Nashville, TN area in 2022, we honestly never knew how many amazing people and families we would get to meet. And we are so glad the Thomas family became one of them!

Their Smith Park Family Session

We got to photograph their family session during the beautiful fall colors of October, and I’m definitely a lover of all things fall! We started out our session along one of the pathways at Smith Park, and we made sure to get in some multi-generation family photos during their extended family session as well as some individual family photos. If you want to see more about Smith Park, you can find more information here, Marcella Vivrette Smith Park!

I made sure to photograph individuals of each of the children because all mother’s love those! It was also so fun to see Michelle and Tim’s four children love on their little newborn cousin. I can really tell how much fun they are having with her! Michelle also really wanted a few photos by the fences at Smith Park. So we took a nice stroll over to the fence area of the park, and I really ended up liking how these photos turned out! We spent the rest of the session taking some more family photo groupings and talking about how life was going in general! It was both a joyful time and a wonderful experience photographing the Thomas family!

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